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8/8/2009 - Antique & Classic Car Show In Downtown Millville

Millville's Downtown Car Show, featuring antique and classic cars, is set for Saturday, August 8 in the Glasstown Arts District. High Street will be closed from Main Street to Broad Street to accommodate the hundreds of cars on display. The Greater Millville Chamber of Commerce and the Garden State 50's Auto Club will host the event.

Cars made before 1981  are eligible to participate, as well as special-interest and and modern collectibles of any age. Dash plaques and T-shirts will be given to the first 250 cars registered. All vehicles pre-registered before August 1 will be eligible for one of four $50 cash prizes. Trophy presentation will be at 2:45 p.m. at the Glasstown Plaza on the corner of High and Sassafras Streets. Judges will award over 50 trophies, including two Best of Show.

In case of rain, the show will be held on Saturday, August 15. For event information call Earl Sherrick at (856) 825- 2600.



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Phone: (856) 453-2125