38th Annual Cumberland County Older Americans
Art Exhibit & Competition
The Cumberland County Office on Aging and Disabled has organized the 38th Annual Art Exhibit and Competition for older Americans in Cumberland County. The exhibit will be on display from June 1st thru June 29th, 2012 in the Gant room of the Millville Public Library, located at 210 Buck Street, Millville, NJ 08332.
The annual competition is for both professional and non-professional artists age 60 and over in Cumberland County. Categories of competition for original works of art are: Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor, Sculpture, Print, Pastel, Drawing, Mixed Media, Photography, Computer Imagery and Craft.
Registration deadline for this year’s competition was May, 11th, and over 80 entries were submitted and winners were selected. There will be an opening reception this Friday, June 1st, 2012 at 2pm, at the location of the Exhibit for the Artists and their guests (by invitation only) where awards will be presented.
1st Place Winners in each respective category may be eligible to compete in the September/October 2012 New Jersey Senior Citizen Juried Art Contest and Exhibition.
For more information and/or to be placed on the mailing list to receive notice for the 2013 competition, call the Cumberland County Office on Aging and Disabled at: (856) 453-2220
Coordinated by the Cumberland County Office of Aging and Disabled, funding was made possible in part by the New Jersey State Council of the Arts, Department of State, and the Cumberland County Board of Chosen Freeholders, through the Cumberland County Cultural and Heritage Commission.
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