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4/9/2013 - Library Children's Program

Cumberland County Library Children’s Program


Monday, April 15th at 1:30pm Miss Melody will read What the Sun Sees by Nancy Tafuri. The story illustrates what the sun sees during the day. It gives children another perspective other than their own of what goes on in the sky. Along with the story, there will be discussion about the sun. Children will get to share what they already know about the sun and discover more about the sun and what it does for us. After the discussion, children will be making Paper Mache sun hats. They can use their artistic abilities to design the hat to their liking. Miss Melody and the children will be making the Paper Mache mixture using water and glue! Kids will enjoy mixing and painting with the mixture.


Cumberland County Library is located at 800 E. Commerce St. (Route 49), Bridgeton, NJ.  Call 856-453-2210 ext. 101 for further information.




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Phone: (856) 453-2125