September Yoga Schedule at the Cumberland County Library
Come join the Hatha yoga classes at the Cumberland County Library on Mondays: September 8, 15, and 29. There will be no class on 9/22 since the instruction is on vacation. Class begins at 10:30 a.m.
This class is for adults of all ages and abilities. Beginners are welcome. Call 453-2210 for more information and/or directions. Donations are accepted for the instructor.
Classes are also held on Wednesdays: September 3, 10, and 17. There will be no class on 9/24.
The class begins at 6:30 pm. All levels are welcome. Beginners welcome. Donations are accepted for the instructor.
For further information or questions please call Ceci Brandt E-RYT, CYT at 856 207-7893 or email at
If it is your first class please arrive 15 minutes early to sign in and register with the yoga teacher.
Yoga etiquette
Please arrive 10 minutes before classes to give you time to get settled.
Do not eat a meal within at least 2 hours of class start time.
Avoid chewing gum during class.
Prepare to practice yoga in barefeet or with sticky socks.
Wear comfortable clothes.
Avoid wearing perfume or scents when dressing for class.
Turn off cell phones.
Ceci Brandt E-RYT, CYT
Certified Yoga Teacher
856 207 7893
Vineland, New Jersey