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8/19/2015 - Aug. 22 - Sword in the Stone at library

Cumberland County Library Children's Summer Reading Program Presents The Sword in the Stone 


On Aug. 22, from 1 - 3 pm, come and enjoy an afternoon with a special presentation of the Sword in the Stone with participants from the Cumberland County Library's Children's Summer Reading Program. Discover what it means to be a hero as we journey back to Medieval times. Meet the cast, enjoy short stories, journey to 5th Century England. A fun time will be had by all at the Summer Reading Finale and Show. The library is located at 800 E. Commerce Street, Bridgeton. The program is free and handicap accessible and all are welcome. You may reach the library by calling 856-453-2210 or visit the web at




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164 W. Broad St., Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Phone: (856) 453-2125