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Office of Homeless and At Risk Services Information & Assistance

Cumberland County has a coordinated network of agencies and services that responds to the needs of individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Funding from state and federal sources provide various types of shelter, transitional housing, emergency assistance with rent, emergency assistance with utilities, emergency groceries and daily meals. The Cumberland County Division of Homeless, a division within the County Human Services Department, coordinates some, not all, of the homeless services in the county. The office maintains a resource directory for Homeless and At-Risk Services in Cumberland County.

The Coordinator of the Division of Homeless convenes monthly meetings of the Comprehensive Emergency Assistance System (CEAS) Committee to plan for and monitor homeless and at- risk services. The CEAS Committee serves as the Local Board for the federally funded Emergency Food and Shelter Program. Additionally, the CEAS Committee serves as the planning body and work group for yearly application submissions requesting funding from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Continuum of Care, Homeless Assistance Programs.

The CEAS Committee, is comprised of service providers that provide homeless services and services to prevent homelessness, housing providers, homeless and housing advocates, a previously homeless consumer and agencies that represent sub populations that are prevalent within the boundaries of our geographic area. CEAS Committee meetings are open to the public, and are held each month at 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at various meeting places in the County. Contact the office for any specific meeting place.



Cumberland County has been chosen to receive $87,616 for Phase 42 to supplement food and shelter programs in the county. The selection was made by the National Board that is chaired by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency. Under the terms of the grant from the National Board, local agencies chosen to receive funds must:

  1. be private voluntary non-profits or units of government
  2. be eligible to receive federal funds
  3. have an accounting system
  4. practice nondiscrimination
  5. have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs
  6. if they are a private voluntary organization, must have a voluntary board
Qualifying agencies are urged to apply.

Public or private voluntary agencies interested in applying for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program funds must contact Sara Williams, the EFSP Coordinator at 856-453-2171, email:

Proposals completed by interested agencies must be submitted by Friday, February 14, 2025 by 4:00 PM to:

Sara Williams
Cumberland County Human Services
70 W. Broad Street
Bridgeton NJ 08302


Click here to view full public notice


2024 Homeless & At-Risk Services Resource Guide (7th Ed.)
Flow Chart for Homeless Assistance - Single
Flow Chart for Homeless Assistance - Family

Cumberland County Point In Time Statistics

Cumberland County Point-in-Time 2023 Report